Marc Ching And His Fantasy Island Historic South Korean Dog Meat Agreement

Article Published January 29, 2017

Last Year Marc Ching Declared Himself “The Man Who Saved 1,000 Dogs From The Yulin Festival” And To This Day He Is Still Pushing Himself As Some Savior, And Hero. Of Course He Fails To Mention Of Those 1,000 Dogs He Claims He Saved, His Plan Was So Ill-Conceived That Around 700 Of Them Died As A Direct Result Of His Incompetence And Lack Of Leadership.

Fresh Off His June 2016 Yulin Catastrophe Marc Ching Is Back To Start Off 2017 With A Bang.

A Press Release Has Been Making The Rounds Declaring:

“History-Making Animal Activist Marc Ching Makes Unprecedented Deal With One Of South Korea’s Largest And Oldest Dog Meat Markets To Close Local Slaughterhouses.”

Wildlife Planet will confess Marc Ching deserves credit for not boiling any of those 700 dogs alive… he just slow roasted them for days in an over heated warehouse stuffed in small cages, without adequate food, water, ventilation or veterinary care.

When things started going south and dozens of dogs started dying by the day Marc Ching did what he does best… Run away, flying back to La La Land claiming that was his plan all along.

Can anyone believe you fly to China to save a 1000 dogs and just days later fly away because you had a previous engagement?

Lately he is now claiming he was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, because that sounds better than I soiled my pants and ran home to mommy.

Of the dogs that actually survived Marc Chings incompetence, they did so only because two well run and caring organizations, The Humane Society International and the Soi dog foundation stepped in and rescue a majority of those poor suffering animals.

To actually understand the depths of how low this con artist could journey one needs to look no further than when he was questioned about the deaths of these 700 dogs in a telephone interview.

Ching admitted making a few mistakes with his Yulin rescue, but insisted that the number was closer to 500 and that he did not regret anything that happened because, after all  ‘All of those dogs were supposed to die anyway’ and that my friends is a direct quote.

Fresh off his June 2016 Yulin catastrophe Marc Ching is back to start off 2017 with a bang.

A press release has been making the rounds declaring:

“History-Making Animal Activist Marc Ching Makes Unprecedented Deal With One of South Korea’s Largest and Oldest Dog Meat Markets to Close Local Slaughterhouses.”

To avoid the “Fake News” epidemic sweeping today’s journalist we vetted the source of this bloviated headline and we can declare with 100% accuracy the press release was written and distributed by none other than The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF).

Some of you who have read some of Wildlife Planets previous posts on Marc Ching may be thinking “The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation that name sounds so familiar’?

The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation sound familiar because it is owned by none other than our favorite self-centered, egotistical narcissist, History Making Animal Activist Marc Ching.

Here is just the first paragraph of his press release dated January 18th, 2017:

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — News-making animal activist Marc Ching, Founder of The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF), has just announced the exceptional news that he has successfully secured an agreement with Gupo Meat Market in South Korea to close their slaughterhouses.

Click here to read the whole fantasy

The presser goes on to say that while many local and international advocacy groups have lobbied and petitioned for the closure of Gupo’s meat market for years and years, only Marc Chings boyish good looks were able to come to a formal agreement with these rejects from hell.

Since no other legitimate high profile news media outlet has even mentioned this ‘historic’ press release, I assume it is up to Wildlife Planet to ask why no details were included in this 650 word press release.

  • What is actually written on this ‘Historic’ Agreement?

  • Why didn’t we see it?

  • Who actually signed this agreement?

  • What date will the butchering of animals end?

  • How will the retraining of these morally corrupt butchers take place?

  • What will they be retrained as? Morticians? Road kills scrapers? Starring role in “Chainsaw massacre VIII?”

  • Who will be paying for all this wonderful retraining?

For such an historic press release it sorely lacks even a modicum of detail.

Now some may say “You really can’t fit a lot of Information in a 650 word press release”

Well at this point, this whole article has a grand total of 623 words, so lack of available space is not the reason for the oversight.

Wildlife Planet has written multiple stories on this fraud and his lack of credibility, adding in the fact that HIS OWN press release contained not one shred of anything resembling an agreement detail this seems nothing more than another one of Marc Chings schemes for some public attention rather than an actual “historic” settlement.

Marc Ching is a Hollywood publicity whore so when he sends out a press release that contains words like History-Making and “Unprecedented” and this press release couldn’t even get posted on Marc Chings own Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation website “Latest Press Release Page” What does this tell you?

Marc Ching is a phony and nothing more than a con artist. His historic agreement is nothing more than a handshake from dog butchering murdering savages. WOW we can trust these guys right?

Here is how Wildlife Planet sees how this Historic deal went down.

Marc Ching: Hey Pal I’m Marc Ching I am sure you heard of me?

  • Dog Murdering Butcher: Who?

Marc Ching: Marc Ching

  • Dog Murdering Butcher: Who?

Marc Ching: Well I am Famous I have 3,503 Twitter Followers @AHWFoundation

  • Dog Murdering Butcher: Ritter? Ruts Ritter?

Marc Ching: I’m Here To Save The Dogs

  • Dog Murdering Butcher: Say one more word, I butcher and eat you instead of dog

Marc Ching: Please I really screwed the pooch in Yulin and I need to tell everyone I closed down this market

  • Dog Murdering Butcher: I screwed the pooch also, then cook him for dinner. OK I close down

Marc Ching: Shake On It 

Then Marc Ching with delusions of grandeur running through his pea brain, found the nearest carrier pigeon and sent out his “Historic Agreement” Press release.

Now this story granted was from an anonymous source, but it may lack some validity but no more so than Marc Ching’s previous tales.

Unless Marc Ching actually wants to produce a written agreement that lays out his plan, complete with dates and details, combined with real signatures and none of those ‘I am an uneducated Dog murdering butcher “X” ones, then I would believe the above mention story is far closer to the truth than what this ‘Historic’ simpleton is publicizing.

So lets see which makes more sense

Marc Chings make room at the Smithsonian Historical Agreement
Wildlife Planets facts

We will keep it short and list a few bullet points with the links to our stories, that we have been doing for months.

  • Wildlife Planet was the first organization demanding The NHL boycott the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. We have spent the better part of a year tweeting, Facebooking and emailing every team and NHL player. The NHL commissioner does not even want to send his NHL stars there. Risk of injury and the 2 week shutdown of the entire NHL is not financially worth it and he may be using the “Say no to dog meat” as an excuse.

  • Humane Society International also has been pushing the government to ban the breeding of dogs for meat ahead of the 2018 Winter Olympics to be held in South Korea. We feel they have had a far greater impact than wildlife Planet ever could. Also for the past year HSI have shut down multiple dog meat breeding farms.

  • The mayor of the city of Seongnam, Lee Jae-myung, who is running for South Korean president, ordered the closure of a big dog-meat section of a city market. Seafood will be sold there instead.

  • A Majority of South Koreans are Now Against Dog Meat and anyone who eats Dogs

  • Last Chance for Animals (LCA) is intensifying its campaign to stop the South Korean dog meat trade. LCA President and Founder Chris DeRose is calling on Samsung, LG, Kia and Hyundai release a written pledge condemning animal cruelty and supporting those working to stop the dog meat trade in South Korea. Consumers are urged not to buy these companies’ products until they have submitted this pledge.

  • A Mirror undercover report exposing the horrors of the Gupo market went Viral and South Korea with the Olympics only a year away received worldwide condemnation

  • South Korea recently announced that they will start shutting down any meat market that does not have a government license to butcher and sell meat… Guess what not one store in the Gupo market is licensed.

  • There are many other sites that have been working on closing down the Southeast Asia Dog and cat meat trade and we apologize to them for not listing each and every one of these activist sites

So which we will leave it up to you as to Marc Chings claim of an historic agreement that no one has seen and I’ll quote him “I don’t know how we did it, but we did it”


The list that we provided above containing only a small fraction of the websites that have been fighting day in and day out to bring an end to the dog and cat meat industry in Asia.

Wildlife Planets would like to point out two of our favorite organizations. The Humane Society International ( and Soi Dog Foundation ( While Wildlife Planet works everyday doing what little we can, these two great sites have been in the trenches for years and over that time has earned an enormous amount of respect.

heather • 3 days ago

Liars always trips themselves up with their own words and Marc Ching is a good example.For example,he claimed in one article to have been at Yulin 2015 but his own Facebook shows him partying during that time.He landed for his first trip in China and walking out of his 5 star Marriott hotel he was miraculously introduced to everyone in the know about the dog meat trade,despite never having been to China in his life or speaking Chinese.He even put out his hotel details on the net but was still able to go undercover.

According to his boasts ( now deleted) he even claimed to have picked up a couple of orphans off the street and was going to help them too.In his whistle stop tour of Asia he ‘discovered’ more than any organisation had ever done in years.In short,he was our’ Saviour ‘in the making.Reading his posts he constantly talked about himself and how he felt.Yet seemed not to care at all about the dogs.No one cares how he feels.we all donated to save dogs lives.

In between trips he worked every LA party to shark as many contacts he could and put himself up even for Vegan Man of the Year,when it’s common knowledge he eats meat.

The lies for me hit home when he admitted to Angela on Facebook he had lost $100.000 of donors money.Fact is how did he get that money into China in the first place with all their currency controls.He is able to pay for the expensive PR newswire and continue to fly all over.But just who is paying for that? I was disgusted to seem him kicking back and partying in LA just days after returning from Yulin.Only a heartless monster would leave dogs behind and go home.

Then,he mysteriously recovered from his PTSD and his nervous breakdown to fly over for a one day appearance in Korea not even going back to China to help the dying dogs he had left behind.He did manage a PR trip though to Toronto though to fill the coffers before wait for it more partying and awards.

And, for the record I have not just donated to Marc Ching I have met him face to face and he is nothing like he portrays himself to be.As he said himself people identify with a person not always a cause and he carefully manufactured an image that would appeal and make him and his wife who has a closet packed with handbags from tortured animals pretty damn rich.

I could go on but I think Wildlife Planet you are doing an excellent job of exposing this fraud.He admitted to being a former drug user and petty criminal well looks like now he has sunk as low as it can get making money off misery.People need to wake up or animal rights has no hope.The real heroes in Asia have always been those on the ground day in day out who have no time for pointless PR, they are too busy caring for the animals they genuinely risk their lives to save.I remember once he lamented how he is the guy no one wants to sit next to on the plane.Too right,I most definitely would not want to be near a lying thieving monster like that.As he said himself,people steal all the time.Yes they do Marc Ching but you won’t be getting away with it no matter how much you close your eyes and call in the special forces.
