
Marc Ching

How could this be happening?

Marc Ching could not have done what he did without his supporters. He has deceived many people, but of those who sooner or later realised they had been deceived, not enough of them have spoken out loud and long enough against him. Perhaps through fear of the backlash from his remaining supporters and those who openly - and secretly - support or admire him. One reason they have managed to get away with it for so long is that while they are raking in the money, people’s attention is elsewhere - and some of that is intentional.

Genuine animal activists have been the target of vicious and sustained personal attacks for speaking out the truth about Marc Ching and others like him. There are many others who have been attacked from time to time but the attacks on these particular people were vicious and sustained and with the clear intent to destroy their credibility. Dominick Mezzapesa, Julia De Cadenet, Alice Harding and also to a lesser extent Martyn Stewart were all targeted with slurs and abuse just for speaking out against the abusers. The two women in particular have been viciously attacked for over four years in very personal ways.

If only people would look more closely they would evidence of a small core of people constantly working behind the scenes using lies, doctored screenshots, screenshots stolen out of private chats etc., and used out of context. They are so desperate for new material they have been very inventive in making up stories, often even using something they themselves posted circled in red as ‘evidence’, rehashing the same lies again and again, along with twisted logic and trickery, etc. Their aim is to discredit the whistle-blowers and to distract people’s attention from the con artists, to deceive people to believe that the whistleblowers are actually the mad and bad ones, not the con tricksters. These sustained attacks reveal that they are in fact very afraid of the damage that the whistle-blowers will do to their enterprise.

The truth is those vicious attacks are on animal activists who love and care about dogs, and wouldn't dream of hurting one. For the last four years they have been called liars, thieves, abusers, mad, evil, and etc. over and again.Yet clearly the ones who are really mad and bad as far as the dogs are concerned are the people like Marc Ching & Co. who use dogs as a money-making tool and don’t care one iota about their suffering. So what is going on there?

These con tricksters are literally getting away with murder and getting very rich on it too while directly and indirectly harming great numbers of dogs and people who care for and rescue them. Some people have been deceived but it would appear to be the case that there are some who are at the core of the trolling attacks who are working in the interests of these abusers and we know that some are professional. To discredit those speaking out, to distract people’s attention from where it should be, while they carry on lying, stealing and abusing dogs and people. Similar to a method commonly used by pickpockets and such.

Some of those behind the trolling attacks have a clear agenda and no qualms whatsoever about lying which they do all the time.When they don’t have any real evidence against someone, hey, no problem, we’ll just make it up. As they have nothing substantial to accuse them of, all they can do is sling mud on a fictitious basis. So they have to say things like mad, bad, and throw in the thief and the liar etc. because it’s a classic trick to accuse someone who wants to expose you or someone else you support of the very thing you or they are guilty of.

The truth is they have no ammo and so they have to whip it all up out of nowhere which is exactly what they have done. They have worked very hard for many years on their presentation and it is convincing, repetitive and persistent, so that people accept it because it looks true and to believe it seems to be the easiest thing to do. Let’s demonize them and get everyone to really hate and despise them and distrust them. Isn’t that what they are supposed to be doing to the con tricksters who abuse dogs and steal millions from them?

That is our priority and our main concern is to expose Marc Ching but also similar con tricksters who don't care about the dogs and have got rich out of their suffering. Not because there is a vendetta against these people or their followers or anyone else, but because we hate what they are doing to the dogs, the rescuers and people who give to help. Its evil and barbaric want them to be stopped – not at some point in the future, but now.

There are people who still want to believe in Marc Ching and his ilk. There are people who think it should all be swept under the carpet even while it is still going on. Clearly there are people who still want to believe in him or those like him and act aggressively against those who speak out. The evidence is clear enough for anyone who wants to see it. And for those who don’t, they are not helping the dogs they are harming them.


content filmed

The content that is filmed is so graphic it is staged and being undercover how he could stand there when such barbaric means was inflected on these dogs is disgusting