Marc Ching Is A Convicted Kidnapper

For the last few months I feel like I have been living in a dream world. Am I the only one who can see what a vile human being this Marc Ching is?  Marc Ching Is A Convicted Kidnapper

It was bad enough to learn he was paying for dogs to be tortured, then we learnt he stole $100,000 or donors money. A British paper broke the story he left the dogs he claimed to rescue to die.

Surely, it could not be worse. This vegan man of the year who eats meat, parties the night away in designer clothes, hosts gratitude galas to himself. But all the time his cult keep throwing money at him and no one cares about the dogs!

Now it comes out he was not some 4th generation herbalist he is a convicted felon having spent 7 years in jail for a violent robbery involving kidnapping.

He actually was in a gang that kidnapped another human being just like the dogs at Yulin are kidnapped.

All his ‘ poetic’ rambling, of course he identifies with the butchers. Of course, they will let him into the killing rooms and believe his story of a rich American buying dogs that a tortured. He is one of them.

Marc Ching is a violent criminal and thief. He has no right to be running an organization that takes donors money for him to embezzle. He is a liar and he is a felon.

He gets a high watching the torture.

Most of these ‘ celebs’ he has in his cult are recovering junkies or alcoholics. They have their own demons and he feeds on their weakness to get their money and endorsement.

Yulin has to be the most disgusting festival on earth and Marc Ching is definitely the most disgusting man. You don’t spend 7 years in a federal jail for violent crimes not to be a criminal. I bet he hid that on his Chinese Visa declaration.

If you hook up with him you are just as bad. You are endorsing violence to animals and to humans.

There is a Facebook page exposing him – take a look:

Who is Marc Ching?

And then wake up and speak out!
